When I think about events that prevent us from having clean and safe water in an emergency, the scenarios that generally cross my mind are floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Recently I came across a story about a city in Utah that experienced a water emergency. Interestingly enough, it wasn't related to one of the natural disasters listed above. The drinking water in the northern half of the city mysteriously became contaminated with campylobacter bacteria. Campylobacter causes unpleasant flu-like symptoms.
In response to this contamination, the city asked residents to boil all water for a minimum of 1 minute or use bottled water. They eventually chlorinated the water supply and lifted the boil order (they are still investigating the cause). The entire northern half of the city was involved, including businesses and two schools.
It struck me that there are many situations that could cause a water emergency besides natural disasters. Are you prepared for such a possibility? Do you have water stored? Do you have means to clean and purify your water?
We have a short quiz on water storage, filtration and purification on our website. You can Replace out how much you know about water storage and how prepared you are. Just click on the button below to take this fun and informative quiz. Remember that "Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy" (Max Mayfield, former Director National Hurricane Center).

We have already done enough harm to the environment…High time we woke up to see the damage we’ve caused.
We may not be able to reduce global warming, end pollution and save endangered species single-handedly, but by choosing to live an earth-friendly lifestyle we can do a lot every day to help achieve those goals.
Stand Up Take Action 2010.We need you…Globally more than 173 Million people stood up against poverty in 2009, a Guinness World Record! Let us break this record in 2010!
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National Geographic recently had an issue devoted to water. In it, there was a photo and description of how water is purified in remote areas of Africa. Clear 16 oz. plastic water bottles are filled and capped. They are placed on a reflective surface to concentrate the sun's rays. After 6 hours in full sun, according to the caption, the UVA radiation has purified the water in the bottles.
Emergency kit water storage- Definitely do the six month rotation check, our aqua blocks were broken and messed up a few pieces of our bug out bags. If we waited we never would have known.
We have changed our water to bottles and have them within a smaller backpack that can be attached to the bug out bag. Each of our car has a complete 72 hour kit plus clothes and water.