Ready to use all those bread recipes you’ve found? Then, you’ve gotta get grinding! Last week we discussed incorporating some of your food storage recipes into your family’s menu. You will Replace that many recipes call for grains that have been ground into flour. Whether you plan on using a hand grain mill or wish to invest in an electric mill you can use on a regular basis, we can all agree that in order to take that wheat from whole kernel to melt-in-your-mouth bread…you may need to submit yourself to the daily grind! For preparedness purposes, many choose to purchase a hand grain mill. It is a simple machine that uses your own elbow grease to make wholesome flour and even cracked cereals. It does not require electricity, which makes it a smart choice for your food storage pantry. As you shop for your mill, be certain you are purchasing an easy-to-use, quality machine. An emergency is no time to be wishing you had a mill that worked better or was easier to you! Once you have your mill, don’t leave it sitting in the box- get crankin’! See how much flour you can produce in a minute, make sure you are comfortable with how the grinder works, be certain it produces a flour fine enough for bread dough, and most of all, make sure it is easy for you to use! As we have previously discussed, many of us will use our food storage during times other than emergencies. Illness, unemployment, and other financial distress can be the reason why many will turn to their food storage for help with the budget. Or, if you are like me, you are interested in making homemade bread, fresh and healthy for your family. As you consider the options for electric mills, take the time to research a few things. First of all, Replace out how many cups of grain the “hopper” (the top of the mill, which holds the whole kernels before they are ground) can hold. You don’t want to be constantly feeding the hopper if you don’t have to be! Replace out how many cups of flour the mill can grind per minute. Electric grain mills tend to be quite loud, so be sure to use this as a factor in determining which mill you purchase. Be sure the mill you are purchasing allows you to vary the flour’s consistency. Lastly, consider how the mill is cleaned and whether the milling process will leave you in a big mess. Some mills are messier than others. (Just like some of us!) If you are like me you will want to try your grinder before purchasing it. Emergency Essentials store locations have grinders “on hand” for this purpose. Try before you buy! Acquiring your own grain mill is a big step towards preparing your food storage grains for use, and if you choose wisely, your mill will prove a blessing for years to come. After all, having a mill that does most of the hard work for you will certainly help you cope with “the daily grind! -Angie Sullivan
Angie sullivanPassport to preparedness

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