"This is one of the most complete and easy to use dehydrating
books I have found. The book includes detailed instructions on dehydrating foods in the sun, oven, homemade dehydrator (which there are instructions in the back to build) and standard food dehydrators. There are also several
recipes included in each chapter for using your dehydrated food. The book includes information on purchasing a dehydrator, if you don’t already own one, as well as making your own. It also gives easy to follow directions on how to simply use your oven as a dehydrator. There are several chapters loaded with information on almost every
fruit, vegetable, herb, or meat you can think of. The book includes dehydrating various types of meat as well as recipes for making jerky. If you want to own only one dehydrating book, this one should be it!"
-- Melissa, Iowa
L'Equip® Deluxe Food Dehydrator
American Harvest Snackmaster Express™ FD-60
How do you test your spring water?
I'm just beginning to learn about dehydrating foods. I was wondering about this book and how comprehensive it may be. Thanks for a great review and helping to make up my mind for a purchase!
We have a dehydrator and to be honest, I need this book. B/c I am so afraid of making anything besides dried fruits b/c I think I won't know how to use the foods! :) I should branch out more! :)
I ordered this book from Emergency Essentials and I absolutely LOVE IT! It has so much useful information on dehydrating. With a garden and lots of extra vegetables it has been a great resource to go to for the best way to preserve/dehydrate my extra vegetables. It is my new go to book. It's easy to look up a certain fruit or vegetable and under each item it has suggestions on how to best dehydrate. LOVE IT! Thanks so much for carrying this one :)