- You will want a shovel, a selection of tongs and hooks, and good insulated leather gloves to help you handle your hot, heavy ovens. A whisk broom is handy to brush ashes off lids before you open the oven.
- Charcoal chimney starter
- Consider keeping your charcoal in a large bucket or garbage can topped with a tight-fitting lid.
Dutch Oven Basics Part One: Picking Your Oven

Summer is a great time to experiment with alternative cooking methods, so we’re highlighting Dutch ovens in a week-long series of posts.
Dutch ovens produce some of the tastiest meals by using a constant heat maintained over a longer duration. This series will take you from getting your first Dutch oven to creating a magnum opus. Enjoy!
Dutch Oven
great article! Keep it up!
Great series. Thank you.
You’re welcome! —Sarah