Emergency Essentials Wholesale Program Sign Up

Are you a licensed business? Are you interested in offering your customers a product that's in higher demand now than ever–and that could save their lives?

Then sign up for the Emergency Essentials Wholesale Program today!

Follow the Instructions Below to Sign Up!

Generous Margins

We offer big margins and profits for our partners. Sign up (instructions below) for our wholesale price list.

Over 30 Years Brand Recognition

With a massive built-in customer base, we're one of the biggest emergency supply retailers in the world. We have millions of customers all over the US and Canada who know and love our brand.

Full-Time Account Manager

Get an on-call account manager–a professional marketer–to answer questions and keep you up to date on new products and selling points.

BePrepared offers competitive pricing and a robust wholesale program.

Participants must have a state resale number to qualify. Purchase strictly for personal use is prohibited.

Fill the form below and click SUBMIT to apply for a wholesale account.

Reseller Application

I have read, and agree to the BePrepared wholesale program terms & conditions

Have Questions?

Need assistance sending your documents? We're eager to help! Email us at [email protected] to call 1 (888) 579-6849.