America is the land of plenty; a place of security and shelter for its citizens. Would we ever really need to use food storage here? This is a thought-provoking question. Research has shown that the average American household has less than a week’s supply of food on hand. This is also the case with the average American supermarket. Without being paranoid or panicked, there are many valid reasons to put extra food away. We are all somewhat vulnerable to events beyond our control. But most situations are probably closer to home: loss of power, unexpected or unplanned interruptions of life such as unemployment, loss of income due to illness or injury, or high medical bills due to an accident. Food storage is a form of insurance protecting your family from the unexpected. A Wise Investment Food storage becomes a wise investment in future stability and an even wiser investment if you practice storing what you use and using what you store. Making food storage a life-style rather than a make-do will help you maintain your investment. Food storage that matches your family’s lifestyle is food that more likely will be used. Using and rotating your Freeze Dried Foods and Dehydrated Foods on a regular basis maintains the original investment and prevents it from being wasted. The Basics It is recommended to always start your food storage program by storing the basics. Grains, legumes, dry milk, sugar, salt, oil, and garden seeds have come to be known as the "basics." Do not underestimate the power these foods have, as they have been shown throughout history to sustain life. It is important to know how to prepare and use the basics, especially ways that your family will enjoy. If you are familiar with the food you have stored, you will be better prepared to use it during times of emergency. Beside the Year Supply of Basics, we offer various year supply units. These year supply units vary from just over 1100 calories per day to 1800 calories per day. If a person has a year supply of wheat on hand it would be an additional 1374 calories per day. If a person had a complete year supply of basics it would add 2000 calories a day more. It is easy to see the value of storing basics and the variety of fruits, vegetables, and mixes as found in our prepackaged year supply units. Confidence and Security Having your food storage can help you have a greater degree of confidence and security. It is important to do your best to prepare your family to be able to eat no matter what happens to the national economy or your job in particular. This confidence in times of crisis can be a most precious commodity. An adequate food supply for your family is a major part of economic security, and possibly the key to survival. Self-Reliance and Interdependence Food storage helps you become self-reliant as in the case of the first three days of an emergency or providing for your family when you lose your employment. It also helps you to be interdependent with others as you share during a crisis. Communities weather storms best when they share and work together. With food storage you are better prepared to endure times of adversity without becoming dependent upon the government. Your family’s way of life may be preserved with proper preparation. Self-reliance is often contingent upon a willingness to work. Work can become a source of happiness, and self-esteem, as well as prosperity. Storing, using and knowing how to produce and prepare food and other items that are essential for life create security and stability for you and your family. If a disaster does occur, and you were forced to temporarily change your normal life style, you could do so with minimum discomfort. Relief Organizations Some people are apathetic about preparedness, often because they aren’t sure what to do or where to begin. They may become overwhelmed at the prospect of a crisis and the responsibility of self-reliance and become discouraged before they begin. Others are frustrated by contradictory advice, not sure whose ideas to follow. Still others do nothing, figuring that if trouble comes, an emergency disaster organization will rush to their rescue. A common misconception that can be refuted is that the government will immediately come to the rescue. Federal and state organizations perform marvelous service, but when a large population is relying solely upon them, it is virtually impossible to provide for specific or individual needs of everyone. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) advises, "If a disaster threatens your community, local government and disaster-relief organizations will try to help you. But you need to be prepared as well. Local officials may be overwhelmed after a major disaster, and emergency response personnel may not be able to reach you right away. What you do to prepare can make a difference." Most local relief organizations will take approximately three days (72 hours) to get back on their feet to be able to help you. An emergency kit is a big step in the right direction. Doing your part by having food, water, and supplies for three days will help alleviate the pressure on relief agencies as well as minimize your own discomfort. Preparedness is everyone's job. Not just government agencies, but all sectors of society--service providers, businesses, civic and volunteer groups, industry associations and neighborhood associations, as well as every individual citizen--should plan ahead for disasters. Being prepared for the unexpected is wise. It provides confidence knowing your family is better prepared to be safe and secure. Families who are prepared can reduce fear, inconvenience, and losses that surround a family crisis or a natural disaster.
Emergency preparednessFood storageFood storage tipsPlanning


William Jackson

William Jackson

Get ready for some fun Patricia! There’s all kind of stuff out there. First, let’s talk about shelters. Let’s say you have to “Bug Out!” Take along a hand saw, hammer and nails and small braided rope. With this, you can gather limbs and brush and build a charming lean to against a tree. To get even more prepared, buy a trailer and get directions to build what they now call a “tiny house.” Get some plans off the internet, save up some cash and build a little home on wheels that you can take anywhere. There are plenty of solar generators that provide basic needs in this electrical world. A complete unit can cost around $1200 to $1400. Don’t be too afraid of the darkness that looms on the horizon. Throughout history people have had to deal with challenges. But the race has survived. As an old back to the land hippie, I’m getting ready to live life like I used to. I just don’t know if I have the physical strength to build another log cabin. I think a tiny house will do just find. Good luck and God bless.



Hey Phyllis,

I would highly recommend at least testing out those food preps. I’m mostly in agreement with beprepared on that point. If the time comes and you have to live on it… well it will really suck that you can’t eat it because it tastes like crap :(

While I haven’t been worried about rotating any of my FD supplies (yet) but its only been 2 years of working those in (for me) I have taste tested them to make sure what I buy is something I can actually eat (and enjoy).

What ever you do, it is up to you! ;)



We rent a home. If we could not afford to continue to rent and or a disaster happened what type of outdoor shelter do you recommend? We live in Michigan. Also do they make solar heaters and cookstoves?

Thank you,

I know in my heart it is time to get ready. Patricia
Linda Sand

Linda Sand

Regarding canned goods: having a way to save the liquids from them can be handy for rehydrating dried foods. That may sound odd at first but how often do you make meals of blended flavors? Pack zip-top bags in your supplies, people.

Emergency Essentials

Emergency Essentials

That’s a great question! The most important thing is to just have a shelter, meaning anything you can afford and that you have room for is a great start. I’m a renter, too, so I know what it can be like. But tents – even just small ones – can store snugly and be used in emergencies. And if you’re in Michigan, chances are you’ll also want some sort of heater! I’m from a cold climate, too, and tell you what, even a little heat is better than no heat. Again, it’s about what you can afford and what you have room for. As for solar heaters, they do exist, however I’m not exactly sure where you’re go to find them. We do, however, carry some solar cookers. Those things get hot enough to bake bread – even in the winter! Pretty impressive, if you ask me. Here’s the link for that solar oven:

I hope that helped! And if you have anymore questions, ask away!

Carol Ann

Carol Ann

Unless you eat dehydrated/freeze dried foods everyday, I wouldn’t recommend having this be your total food storage. If you were forced to eat exclusively from this type of supply, your gut would be unforgiving! These also require a great deal of water to reconstitute. Having canned goods and rotating them along with the other is a better choice in the long run.



Hi Phyllis,
It is true that your food will still be ok even after 25 years. But we suggest rotating your food and using it regularly so that you and your family can get used to it. For instance, imagine being in an emergency and you start eating only freeze-dried or dehydrated foods even though you haven’t eaten them before. What happens when our bodies are introduced to new foods? They need time to adjust. So imagine dealing with the stress of an emergency, but on top of that, having to deal with stomach illness as well because your body isn’t used to eating only that type of food. This is why we suggest using your food and rotating it. Also, even though your food will be good for 25 years, the flavor of that food may not be as strong as if you used it earlier and rotated it. Rotating helps to give peace of mind and maintains the flavor of the food.



wish everyone would listen to common sense and get prepared for what lies ahead. The problem is, fools stick their heads in the sand and wait for everyone else to look out for them.

Phyllis Taylor

Phyllis Taylor

Although I like the advice, I am buying long term storage items to use in case of an emergency…mostly the ones which last 25 years…I don’t really want to feel I have to rotate those and use them on a regular basis. Aren’t they still going to be okay if I don’t?

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