Prepper Style New Year's Resolutions: Outdoor Gear
Each Monday in January, we’re sharing our Preparedness New Year’s Resolutions for 2014. If you’d like to make some Prepping Resolutions of your own, but don’t know where to start, borrow some of our resolutions or use this series to get some ideas.
This week we are talking about Outdoor Gear. Click here to check out Last week’s resolutions for Indoor Gear.
Here is what our Emergency Essentials’ bloggers plan on getting to take with them into the great outdoors in 2014.
1 comment
Orion Tactical Gear
Great post. But, If you love outdoor adventures then you must know that tactical gear is the greatest thing to carry with. Check out our best tactical gear reviews for 2019.We represent a team of ex-soldiers and survival experts and together we have decades of experience when it comes to surviving in the wild.