--DJ, South Dakota
"I too had my $1400.00 front loader break down in Feb 2011. I was taking my laundry to the laundromat until I remembered that I had a Mobile Washer in my emergency kit. I washed my and my sons clothes with less soap than I use in the front loader and they came out just as clean. Not much effort either as you only need "plunge" a minimal amount of times. Used less water too. By the time the repair man came to fix the front loader, I was so used to using my mobile washer and having my clothes washed fast, that it feels strange to have to wait for the front loader to get done with my clothes. Great purchase and I couldn't be happier!!!"
--Kimmi, California
This washer uses a technique of pushing and pulling the water through the clothes without excess friction (which also reduces the wear on your clothes). This mobile washer uses minimal water and because of the agitation motion, less soap. Use in a bucket (5-gallon suggested), sink or tub. This hand washer also is able to rinse your clothes using fresh water. The Mobile Washer is a great item to have with your emergency and outdoor supplies.
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wow – very cool :)
Laundry is one of those things I just didn't think about. We're not going to want to wear filthy clothes in an emergency any more then we do now! Thanks for the reminder!
I have one of these and it very much came in handy when it took Home Depot 5 weeks longer than promised to deliver my new washing machine when we moved in. I'm so glad that I have it.
The Harper Family
Wow!! That is awesome!!! I need to add this to our supplies!
Barking Mad
Never have seen this before and I can see why it is a "must have". It'll be on my list of things to get next.
This is an excellent review! I'll definitely order this product for our supplies!