Like water, food is essential to survival. In a natural disaster, the food supply we rely on every day can be disrupted or cut off. In this situation, having an emergency supply of non-perishable food (canned goods and dry goods) at home can ensure that you and your loved ones are provided for. Another (more likely) crisis would be the loss of a job or reduction in income. Food storage allows you to feed your family when you’re unable to obtain food from third-party sources for whatever reason. Storing food for an emergency involves more than just buying a few cases of canned ravioli or a bucket of wheat (although those are both great ideas). You can start building your emergency food storage with as little as a week’s worth of food. Having at least a three-month supply of non-perishable foods your family already eats may be sufficient for getting you through most emergencies. A one-year supply that includes basic long-term storable items is ideal for storability and nutrition density. These basics include grains, legumes, non-fat dry milk, salt, sugar, oil, and garden seeds. Freeze-dried and dehydrated foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, just-add-water baking mixes, and so on, are easy to prepare and add variety to long-term food storage. Building an emergency food supply is a process that involves careful planning and discipline. A well-made food storage plan provides not only the daily caloric needs for all members of your household, but also provides balanced nutrition. Food storage allows you to face crisis with confidence. For more information about Food Storage, see these additional online resources:
Food storage

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