National Severe Weather Preparedness Week

Max Mayfield, former director of the National Hurricane Center, once said: “History teaches that a lack of hurricane preparedness and awareness are common threads among all major hurricane disasters. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster.” Since it's National Severe Weather Preparedness Week, we've gathered up five stellar resources from our preparedness archives. They'll help you prepare for hurricane season and hopefully reduce the effects of a hurricane on you and your family. Luckily, hurricane season doesn't officially start until June 1st, so you've got plenty of time to study up on hurricane preparedness before the season hits. Even if you don't live in an area affected by hurricanes, this information is great to pass along to friends and loved ones who do. Also, it's always good to be informed about emergencies so you know what to do if you ever encounter one (like on that vacation you hoped would be so relaxing).

Here are five resources to help you prepare:

1. What to do before a hurricane checklist (downloadable print out) 2. What to do during a hurricane checklist (downloadable print out) 3. What to do after a hurricane checklist (downloadable print out) 4. Hurricane Preparedness Insight Article 5. Preparedness Pantry Blog Hurricane Preparedness Five-Part Mini Series We'll be back tomorrow with more tips and tricks for preparing for severe weather. In the meantime . . . we're curious--what's your best tip for hurricane preparedness? Sources Max Mayfield quote
Emergency preparednessNatural disaster

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