Portable emergency kits like the 3-Day Emergency Kit can help you survive in an emergency

A portable, short-term emergency kit is an essential part of an emergency preparedness plan. These kits are meant to help you survive on your own during a disaster that requires you to evacuate the affected area. An emergency kit should contain at least enough supplies to last three days, and up to as much as you can carry on foot. This might include supplies in a backpack, duffle bag, and/or a rolling suitcase. Each member of your household should have at least one kit appropriate for his or her needs. These kits should be easily accessible near and exit in your home. This way you’ll be able to grab them during a home evacuation and carry them with you on your way to a safe place. You might also consider storing additional kits in vehicles, at work, or in a child’s school backpack as appropriate. These kits are often called 72-hour kits, evacuation kits, bug-out bags, grab-and-go kits, disaster supply kits, or emergency kits. Whatever you call it, there are basic items that belong in an emergency kit. At the very least, a kit should have enough water and food for three days. Other items that contribute to safety and comfort might include:
  • shelter
  • items that provide warmth or cooling
  • light sources
  • tools
  • a first aid kit
  • communication devices
  • sanitation items
  • extra clothing
  • cash (small denominations)
  • important papers
  • stress relieving items (books, pen and paper, toys, games, etc.)
  • special needs items (medications, glasses/contacts, etc.)
See our Emergency Kit Checklist and related Insight Articles for more information on emergency kits. For pre-built kits, check out our emergency kits here.
Emergency kits




Okay, so I got this page in an email update from E.E. regarding 72 hour kits, or bug out bags. I have a lot of experience, some as recent as a month or less ago, with this subject. So I have a few thoughts I want to impart with the readership here:

1. Custom build a 72 hr. kit to meet YOUR needs. Sure, we all have the same basic needs: Food, water and protection from the elements, not to mention the most important, breathable air! But you may have personal demands like a hot cup of coffee or cocoa. You are going to need a plentiful supply cooking fuel for this purpose, not to mention heating up your meals. Also, don’t buy cheap or lesser quality gear. Remember, your life or at least your comfort depends on this gear in a bad situation, so buy quality gear! Also, know what YOU need to stay alive wherever you’re going. I don’t carry a foil blanket to wrap up in at night, seeing as I don’t sleep in one regularly, I imagine it might be hard to sleep with all that rattling every time I move an inch! Also, I don’t think it’ll do much good on a night when it drops to freezing or below freezing. So, I carry a military surplus modular sleep system…THE WHOLE THING! You never know when I three-day emergency could extend into the winter!

2. Carry GOOD food! I generally carry Mountain House or LURP Pro-Paks and a jetboil stove! Have comfort foods like MRE cakes and crackers! You are less likely to make mistakes or bad decisions that could get you killed if you’re well fed and happy eating food that tastes like stuff you’re used to and provide a wide variety of nutrients you need day-to-day. Make sure to have a good supply of multi-vitamins to make up for where you’re lacking.

Last thought that I can think of at this time is have redundancy! Be prepared for loss! About a month ago I had my entire bug out bag when my car was broken into in a church parking lot and they snatched my $500+ bag of gear! So be prepared for loss!

The only other piece of essential gear I an think of is a water filter and/or purification tablets. Both would be preferable. I replace my stolen Katadyne Hiker Pro with a Sawyer brand squeeze filter. Emergency Essentials should look them up and consider carrying the product.

Hope this helps!




We have 3.# 1 is for are car, because we live in CO were we get large aonumts of snow and blizzards, we keep one kit in are car in we get lost or slide off the road. The kit consist of bottled water, two cans of spaghetti O’s, some trial mix, toilet paper, a pack of lighters, lighter fluid, a first aid kit, a change of cloths, diapers, heat blankets, blankets, to pillows, a whistle, a flash light and a pack of batteries.# 2 is in the house in the kitchen cabinet. It’s are fire pack. Change of cloths, and snacks.# 3 is in the basement. It’s are Tornado kit. It consist of a change of cloths for every one, diapers, jugs of water, trail mix, first aid kit, flash lights, lighters, toys for the kids, sleeping bags and pillows.We go though and redo are kits every year.MCL

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