Here at Emergency Essentials, our mission is to help people prepare. Not only do we offer great products at the lowest prices (we guarantee it), but it's important to us that customers feel like they're informed about emergency preparedness--that they're armed with the knowledge they need to feel confident in the face of a crisis. Often people feel like they aren't sure where to start with their preparations. So we decided to create an online Prep School. Each week we'll offer a module on an important preparedness topic.

The Prep School schedule for the rest of 2012 is as follows: OCTOBER 5th - Water Storage 101 (That's tomorrow, so check back!) 11th - Food Storage 101 18th - Kits 25th - Gear 101 NOVEMBER 1st - Water 102 8th - Food Storage 102 15th - Winter Travel 22nd - Gear 102 DECEMBER 6th - Water 103 13th - Food Storage 103 20th - Planning 27th - Gear 103 All modules will be available to view online. You can also download and print each module--by the end of the Prep School "academic year," you'll have a wonderful resource you can 3-hole punch and stick into a binder or have spiral bound at your local print shop. See you tomorrow for "class!" -Sarah P.S. If you're wondering what the Latin in our Prep School crest says, it's "Be Prepared, Be Confident.






Hi, 610Alpha.
We’re going to start posting a weekly Prep School module again in a couple of weeks.
Any topics you’re particularly interested in seeing sooner rather than later?



When are the rest of the modules for the prep school going to be available?

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