For many of us, work entails sitting at a desk for most of the day, staring intently at a computer monitor. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m doing now! With so many hours spent like this, work can really become a literal pain in the neck. Besides bad posture (I’m super guilty of this), there are other things that can affect our health while at work. Let’s take a look at some things you can do while at work to stay healthier, and thereby being more effective. Workplace Health Hacks 1. Standing Desk According to Science Daily, people will spend almost 6 hours a day on average sitting at their desk. That’s a ridiculous amount of time, if you think about it. The Smithsonian has found benefits in standing at work, including lesser risk of obesity as well as lower long-term mortality risk. Many of my coworkers chose to stand at their desks. They say it’s a little different getting used it at first, but after a few days, they practically swear by it. If a standing desk isn't an option, then make sure you take some time to stand up every so often. Even that action is better than sitting still all day. 2. Clean Your Cubicle workplace Health hacks - clean cubicle Another fun part about working a desk job is the dust and germs that pile up without you even realizing it. We have sanitary wipes nearby which we use to wipe down our desks every so often. Forbes suggests that a clean work space can help increase productivity. Having a clean work environment can also help clear your mind, making it easier to accomplish tasks and get things done. If you’re skeptical, just give it a try. You can’t go wrong with a clean desk. 3. Games During Lunch Sometimes, you just need some time to wind down and relax. Some coworkers and I have recently started playing tabletop games during lunch in our break room. Our first game day we played King of Tokyo, a light dice game that put our minds to work on how to destroy the opposing monsters and thus be crowned king of Tokyo. We had a ton of fun, and it’s quickly becoming something we look forward to. points out some benefits of taking some time to play, and these benefits can come back to help us in our work during the latter part of our work day. Relieving stress, improving brain function, and boosting creativity are just some of the benefits of playing, and you can see how those can positively affect your production at work. Sometimes it can be hard to Replace a good game to play that will fit inside your lunch schedule, so if you need ideas, just ask in the comments and I’d be more than happy to enlighten you on some of my favorites. 4. Stay Hydrated We need water to live, yes, but being properly hydrated comes with many health perks. One that relates to a desk job is that hydration helps strengthen your cognitive functions, including memory. Of course, there are many more benefits to staying hydrated, including the potential to aid in weight loss, improves your mood, and helps get rid of headaches naturally. 5. Take a Walk Take a walk - workplace health hacks Taking a nice little stroll at lunch can have amazing benefits to not only your health, but your ability to focus at work, too. We are all aware that walking is a healthy pastime, but it can also improve moods and help people handle stress at work. Besides the obvious work benefits, talking a leisurely, 30-minute jaunt will help increase your aerobic fitness, while still allowing time to eat lunch. If you don’t have that long at lunch, you can always get up from your desk and take a short stroll around the office, visit the water cooler, or deliver a message to a coworker instead of emailing them. Getting up and about 6. Keep Healthy Snacks Handy Let’s be honest, snacking at work is something we pretty much all do. According to, snacking is a way to keep yourself full and balance blood sugar levels, among other things. But it’s important that your snacks contain the right nutrients to get full satisfaction from your munching. Protein is a great way to help keep your stomach slaked, and nuts are an excellent source of that nutrient. For great snack ideas – including recipes – check out these Healthy Snacks for Work at 7. Take the Stairs workplace health hacks - take the stairs If you work in a building with an elevator, do yourself a favor and don’t use it. Taking the stairs instead is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of a free workout. After all, you’re going up anyway so you might as well get some sort of benefit to your ascent. Taking the stairs can help aid in heart health and even help prolong your life. Exercising in general provides you with many health benefits, so why not use your time at work to get some extra health perks? Maintaining proper health is essential to being prepared, and it’s just as important at work as it is at home. Follow these steps to help relieve stress, be more fit, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Because when a crisis happens, relying on your mental and physical health will be a key aspect in handling it effectively. What are some other workplace health hacks you use at work to stay healthy? Let us know in the comments! Disaster_Blog_Banner - workplace health hacks
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Crystal Minnick

Crystal Minnick

Thank you for your feedback. We agree on the air purifier for all to maintain safety and health.

Tim Yaotome

Tim Yaotome

As you mentioned that one can gather dust and germs while working at a desk job, I believe that one way to prevent this is to have air purifier units installed. This can help get rid of not only dust and germs but also allergens that can threaten employee productivity and cause business delays. To have this installed, I suggest finding an HVAC contractor first so that not only will one be able to find the right unit but also increase the level of safety in the workplace as well.

Dorcas Nesset

Dorcas Nesset

What a tremendous post this was! I can tell you really care about what you are writing about, which is a rare thing these days. I see a lot of authors just putting up quick junk, which is unfortunate. I hope you know that people actually appreciate quality writing like this!

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