Here are 10 basic self-defense rules to keep you safe and to deter potential attackers:
1) Know your path. Be familiar with the routes and paths you take home or to your bug-out location. Knowing your path means knowing the places people could hide and giving those areas a wide berth when passing. It also means avoiding poorly lit or unfamiliar shortcuts that might get you lost or cornered. 2) Make sure someone knows where you are and when to expect you. This is true of many situations you may Replace yourself in, like hiking, traveling to or from work, or evacuating during an emergency. Keeping a close friend or emergency contact up-to-date on your location is as simple as a quick phone call or text message. 3) Walk confidently. Many predators are looking for someone they think they can overpower, much like a predator in the wild. Walk with purpose and direction, paying attention as you go so you avoid surprises. 4) Trust your instincts. If you think someone might be following you or are unnerved by someone in close proximity, it’s better to get to a busy area and contact someone you trust to pick you up. 5) Avoid routines that could easily be followed. If possible, avoid doing certain activities, like withdrawing money or taking the same routes home, at the same time each day. 6) Carry objects capable of making noise: cell phones, whistles, horns, etc., anything that can alert people to your situation. The sound from an emergency whistle can travel farther and is louder than simply yelling for help. Self-defense organizations such as Safety and Self Defense Solutions also encourage possible victims of attacks to yell ‘fire’ to draw attention and scare off an attacker. People are more likely to respond to someone yelling ‘fire’ than to someone yelling ‘help.’ 7) Always know what tools you have to defend yourself and make them reachable before they are needed. For example, keeping your keys in your hand while walking to your car and letting the point jut between your knuckles can be used as a surprise weapon; or a monkey fist made from paracord can be used as an effective tool to stun an attacker. 8) Know the sensitive areas of your attacker and the way these areas can be exploited. The eyes, ears, throat, groin, knees and shins are all areas that hurt when hit. For example an ear slap or groin attack can give you the upper hand. Check out the videos below to learn how to do an ear slap and a groin attack effectively.
9) Do not linger to fight: the bash and dash is the most effective approach. Once the attacker is hurt and his attention is diverted, go as quickly as you can to a busy area and call someone you trust. If your attacker gets a hold of you, do everything you can to keep them from taking you to a second location.
10) Take a self-defense class at your local YMCA or Rape, Aggression, Defense (R.A.D.) chapter to give you practical experience and to increase your preparedness.
Education, attention, and assertion will be your best assets in warding off possible attacks.
When has knowing Self Defense come in handy for you during an emergency or in your everyday life?
1 comment
Number 3 may have saved my life, when I was a college student, I stupidly took a Chicago subway elevator that was not as crowded as the others….and found myself confronted with a large man who grabbed my jacket by the neck, and threatened me. I somehow gave him the most confident, serene “stare” that showed I meant to walk away, and that I refused to give him anything, and he let me go. Whether it was my “confidence” or my guardian angels, I might someday find out… but in the mean time, I have resolved to never go away from the herd of people, to the other elevator. Safety in numbers!