Looking for a Little Help with Urban Preparedness?
Hi, friends!
Urban Girl here with a little hint to help you navigate our new site.
With the launch of our new website, we also launched a great feature that allows you to customize your home page to better suit your specific preparedness needs and interests.
One of the custom options is Urban Preparedness, which is obviously dear to my heart . Take a look at the Urban Preparedness customized home page here for articles, tips, related blog posts (from yours truly and others), etc.
Happy Prepping!
--Urban Girl
I can’t get the link
I can’t find that page either. This is not good PR!!!!!
Nancy S Halbern
There is nothing to fear if we are prepared..if we are not then we are not doing as we should..this is such a great blog…thank you…Nancy Halbern
Still can’t get in to sites eEspecially the one talking about the new website.
Keep up the good work! It is only with the help of writers, volunteers and relief organizations that people are able to make it through disaster situations. Check out our cookbook that helps prepare the individual on how to prepare meals when the lights go out.
"Cooking with Fire: The Disaster Cookbook. How to cook when the lights go out." If you are a fan of cooking or disasters, please pledge your support and we have some really swell pledge rewards!
Thanks and keep the cooking fires stoked!
Theresa D.
I am still not seeing the answer to yesterdays question. How are we then supposed to counted as participating?
Michelle Markey-Shanks
I can’t find the page, still. Can you put a link to it? I don’t see one.
Well, I don’t have a family so I’m just giessung. I’d probably go to REI or some sort of camp/sports store because they have cool gadgets like water filters and maybe those butane burners. And possibly get those food dehydrators and dehydrate a ton of food; liquids weigh too much. And basic sewing kit, basic emergency kit (I’ve never had to use one), It depends on a lot of factors, but if there were still grass and trees or if I were in an area where the ground was comfortable, I probably wouldn’t really have a tent. But some lightweight material of a blanket just in case of cold nights; again I’d probably find something like this at REI. There’s a lot of factors to consider, and guess if it is apocalypse, you don’t really know what to expect. I also don’t have kids, and am purely basing on if the kids were like me and could handle discomfort.
its in the homepage, right underneath the front banner, it say select an option to customize your homepage
I can’t find the page either!!!!!!