If you can only take a handful of medications with you during an emergency, these are the ones to pick





Must-Have Med #5: Antibiotic Ointment

Rounding off our list is antibiotic ointment. On its own it can prevent infections that would stop you in your tracks but our experts recommend pairing it with isopropyl alcohol—a common practice in trauma treatment. Flush your wound with alcohol for a quick, thorough disinfecting, and then apply the ointment and wrap it in clean cloth or bandages (gauze if you have it).
Long Term Disinfectant – Antibiotic ointment makes a much better long-term disinfectant than alcohol, which rubs off and dissipates quickly, forcing you to constantly remove and re-apply your bandages. This lets in new bacteria and wastes your precious bandage supply at the worst possible time.
More Than Just a “Disinfectant” – Antibiotic ointment, on the other hand, remains on your skin, disinfecting for hours. During that time it helps healing in lots of ways: it moistens the wound, acts as a physical barrier to bacteria, and even relieves pain.
Yes, she is a member of the WEF. She is a graduate of their young globalist leaders.
Vicki Daniels
Before I was prescribed antihypertensive medication, migraines were frequent. I was told to add dramamine to my analgesics ( Tylenol in my case) Its use was a great relief. Knocked me out.
Anyone have suggestions for someone who is allergic to antibiotic ointment? Both singular and triple antibiotic? I would like to have something that can do the same job, and is a barrier to a wound, like the ointment is. Thank you!
ONE thing I see you all mention Hydrogen peroxide, keep in mind YOu need to keep it in a cool Stable Environment at a decent temperature ( 65-80 ish) if you have opened the container expect the HP will loose effectiveness quickly Pour HP on the wound area and you should witness a decent amount of Foaming (effective) the Less Foam the less Use it is NO foam No good, also Baking soda & peroxide will keep your Teeth healthy baking soda has Loads of potential for health and cleaning scouring pans to ….. try to keep some in a plastic container to keep it dry and Humid free
pamela PAM alston
another must have for me is colloidial silver,it helps everything,including lungs,and i added sanitary pads for ladies to my stash for deep wound covers…works well…..another should have is sinus meds….thanks for all your posts and help..
Benadryl can also be used in conjunction with ibuprofen for migraines. I live with chronic migraine and my neurologist has me take that if I get a migraine at night. My normal migraine shot has to be refrigerated so I have a large supply of Benadryl, ibuprofen and excedrin.
stephen c. mcdavitt
Great article and advice, one more thing I would add is the benefits of honey as a food source and it has been shown to have antibacterial properties. Since I am not a doctor or nurse I have to consult my primary care doctor to ensure I’m heading in the right way about dealing with any emergency.
These 5 medical items are a very good idea. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide (hp) on hand for cleaning wounds is a good idea. I understand hp, helps the blood to keep flowing and I’ve been told it’s a good thing for small cuts.
Thanks for your information.
Personally I am setting up for at least 2 years. My thought is long term is best and definitely will take care of short term.
Very, very good.
Thank You for always being there for us and All your Helpful Articles! :)
Stephen J Sigler
this was a great post
Benadryl. If you have an allergic reaction to something, it’s a must have.
Gena Taylor
You might mention that although H2O2 might not be as good at disinfecting a deep wound, it also doesn’t hurt like putting alcohol on a wound. I once had an infection from a surgery and for whatever reason the doctor applied alcohol to it and I felt like I had been stabbed in the back. Literally, not exaggerating one bit. After he left the room I had asked the nurses why he had done that and they had both said they had no idea that neither of them could believe he had done that.
Maybe for a scratch, it would still hurt, but too painful for a deep wound.
Benadryl. Good as an anti histamine, allergic reactions, mild sedation. Inexpensive and easily available.
David Burnham
Vitamins may not be medications but still important to have especially during a stressful time. The stress associated with the situations the article is referring to is likely to increase ones vulnerability to infection and disease by compromising ones immune system. Vitamin C is an easy one. Asorbic acid is not only inexpensive it also has a very long shelf life. The freeze dried fruits and vegetables also have a long shelf life and contain not only vitamins but also other important nutrients that can help prevent disease, and promote healing.
Lola Heinze
I already have a 3 month supply of my prescription drugs in my to go bag. In addition I have imodium, antibiotic ointments, first aid dressings, tylenol, aspirin and arthritis strength aspirin. We have on (back) order several antibiotics for bacterial infections through a pharmaceutical company. I also am trying to get silvadene for burns. I have hydrogen peroxide and alcohol as well. What other items would you suggest
Joanna S Nadolny
Thank you for sharing with all of us very useful thank you so very much
Another very important and critical item to have is food grade hydrogen peroxide-that is, 35% hydrogen peroxide. This is NOT the stuff in the brown bottle at the drug store! This is typically sold at health food stores and is really important to have on hand. Also, an ozone generating machine is a very good item to keep. This is a purifying device that will help keep you safe.
I am an RNC and this was spot on. It is a great idea to.prepare a zip lock.bag with all.those items already loaded so you can grab and go. Replace all items once every few months so all are Fresh and ready to use of necessary.
Michael Gilliam
FINALLY someone wrote and informative article about things that every person should have and DIDN’T waste my time. I was able to scroll right down to the list and make sure it was correct before copying as and forwarding to Family and friends.