Stacey's Double Apple Crisp
At our house, Christmas celebrations revolve around traditional treats that different family members have been perfecting for decades. My mom’s pie crust is legendary. My dad’s truffles, fudge, toffee, and peanut brittle are requested annually. In recent years, we’ve added my husband’s mouth-watering peppermint-chocolate-chocolate-chip cookies and a friend’s grandmother’s recipe for old English boiled cranberry pudding We do manage a dinner in there somewhere, but if I’m honest, our holiday is basically a sweet fest.
My job is baking. The breads, the cookies, the cobblers all fall to me, which suits me just fine (me, who couldn’t Replace my way around a candy thermometer if my life depended on it!). The only problem is that from mid-November onward, I end up having to make semi-weekly pilgrimages to the grocery store just to stay stocked up on eggs, butter, and brown sugar—not to mention the fresh fruit and cream that I only ever need in miniscule portions and which spoil after five minutes in my fridge. But this year, I found a secret weapon!
Are you ready?
I don’t think you’re ready.
Okay, fine. It’s egg powder. Seriously, I have a pumpkin bread recipe that calls for six eggs. Do you know how fast I go through those huge cartons? But already this month I’ve made pumpkin bread, sugar cookies, and two batches of gingerbread, and I haven’t even made a dent in my can of egg powder. I love it! And it makes me think I should be raiding my food storage for other basics, and maybe even the not-so-basics.
In that spirit, I want to share with you one of my favorite seasonal treats. I found this fantastic apple crisp recipe years ago and have been tinkering with it every winter until it’s become, quite simply, the best thing ever. And it can be made almost entirely out of food storage items! Good to know you could still have luxuries like apple crisp, even in the midst of a crisis. Bon appétit!