Here is a recent customer comment about the New and Improved Food Storage Analyzer™:

"I have to compliment the new design on the Food Storage Analyzer™.

I’ve come to really appreciate the use of the Analyzer to track what we have in storage but until now, I had one “wish” for a capability that wasn’t there. I’ve commented to my husband, on a number of occasions, that the Analyzer is great BUT had one flaw, I wished it would give me suggestions on where our food storage supplies might be weak and in what areas we needed to consider adding to our supplies for a well-balanced diet for our family.

I logged into the Analyzer this morning and found the new design, started looking it over and tried the new “Have you noticed...” tab…and what did I Replace? The designers of the Food Storage Analyzer™ evidently heard my wish and granted it! Now I have a beautiful, clear-cut recommendation of products that would help round-out our families supplies."

--Patricia, Ohio

New "Have you noticed..." section of the Analyzer

Note: Don't forget about the Food Storage Analyzer™ Year Supply Giveaway. Simply log in to the Analyzer between now and August 31st to be entered to win one of two Traditional 2000™ Year Supplies. They are valued at over $1500 each! 

Traditional 2000™ Year Supply



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such great article. thanks. appreciate that



I agree I think that the layout and appearance of the new Food Storage Analyzer looks great. It is ten times better than the previous appearance. Way to go guys!

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