While you are working on creating your home evacuation plan there are many other things that are important to keep in mind.

First, designate an out-of-town and an out-of-state contact person for your family to call in case you get separated. Have emergency and contact numbers posted by a phone and have everyone memorize the phone numbers.

Second, practice actually using your 72-hour kit supplies. Make sure you are familiar with everything in your kit and also insure that you include a good first-aid kit, including Burnfree pain relieving gel.

Some other tips from the U.S. Fire Administration that are important to remember are:
  • Practicing a fire escape plan and fire-safe behaviors on a regular basis can mean the difference between life and death.
  • Plan for each member of your family, including babies and toddlers who may be unable to escape on their own.
  • Keep exits clear of debris and toys
  • Keep your child's bedroom door closed. If a hallway fire occurs, a closed door may hinder the smoke from overpowering your baby or toddler, giving firefighters extra time for rescue.
  • Teach toddlers not to hide from firefighters. Their uniforms can be scary in times of crisis. Teach children that that firefighters are there to help in an emergency. Take children for a tour at your local fire station so that they can see a firefighter in full gear.
  • Teach your children how to crawl under the smoke to reduce smoke inhalation.
  • Teach your children how to touch closed doors to see if they are hot before opening. If so, use an alternate escape route.
  • Have a safe meeting place outside the home and teach children never to go back inside.

Watching the Family Emergency Preparedness Plan DVD can be very helpful in designing your plan. Evacuation plans can be life-saving for you and the ones you love. Disasters don't just happen to other people. They are very real and can happen to anyone at anytime. Take the time to plan and prepare and you will be very grateful you did.

Click here for part one of the Creating a Home Evacuation Plan series and click here for part two.


1 comment



Another part of creating a family preparedness plan is knowing your child's school emergency plan. I heard this tip and realized I never thought to ask my son's school. When I did, the office administration was happy to answer and said that no one ever asks about it, but was glad to share the info bc when an emergency DOES happen, parents panic and need to know the safe way to pick up their child, depending on the type of emergency.

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