When a tornado touches down near you, will you be ready?
Although tornadoes tend to stay east of the Rocky Mountains, they have also occurred in pretty much every state. In other words, you could be affected no matter where you live. This means that tornadoes should be on everyone’s list as something to be prepared for.
So I ask again: Will you be ready when the time comes?
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Watch out for flying livestock![/caption]
When I think of tornadoes, my first thought is a funnel cloud hurling cows through the air. I’ve never been around a real tornado, but the movie
Twister definitely prepared me for flying bovine should I ever Replace myself near one.
And then, after the image of the cow flies off into the sunset, I ask myself, “What do I actually know about tornadoes, and how will I know if one is coming?”
Great questions, Self.
As tornadoes tend to start showing up more prevalently in the spring (and spring has just about sprung), let me share with you how to know if a tornado is on its way for a visit.
Of course, the easiest way is to have your TV or radio on. Your local broadcasters will broadcast a tornado warning (right in the middle of your favorite show, might I add). Those tend to come only about 13 minutes before the actual tornado, and can actually come much faster. That being said, not every area will receive a broadcast warning, so knowing the signs of an imminent tornado is very important.
Although tornadoes can be massive and devastating, they at least have the decency to give us a few warning signs before they officially arrive. These six signs should help you identify tornado threats.
- A Rotating, funnel shaped cloud extending from a thunderstorm towards the ground.

Alright, so this one is one of the more obvious ones. Tornadoes have to form somewhere, so if you see a funnel cloud beginning to form, this is a very good sign a tornado is on its way. When the weather gets rough, you might want to keep your eye on the sky, just in case.
- A dark, sometimes green, sky

Not to be confused with the aurora borealis (aka the Northern lights). This is another reason why it’s good to watch the skies during storms. There is a lot of hail in thunderstorms associated with tornadoes, and so as this hail begins to be whipped around, the light of the sun refracts off the hail, giving the sky a green tint. The sky isn’t always green, however, so don’t be fooled if the sky is just very, very dark.
- An approaching cloud of debris
Sometimes the funnel of a tornado will not be visible. Yet. By noticing a cloud of debris approaching (especially at ground level), that can be a good sign that something even more dangerous is on its way.
- A loud roar (similar to a freight train)
This is especially useful if you don’t live near a railroad. Tornadoes give off a continuous rumble, much like that of a train. Other loud noises come from the velocity of the winds, as well as all the debris the tornado is hurling around and smashing into.
- A strange calm after a thunderstorm
It is not uncommon for a tornado to occur after a thunderstorm. Do not be surprised if you see a clear, calm sky in the tornado’s wake.
- Debris falling from the sky
This is also a good indicator that there are strong winds nearby. If debris starts falling from the sky like rain, chances are you’ll want to seek cover.
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Are you prepared for a tornado's devastation?[/caption]
So there you have it. If you keep these six things in mind before and during storms, you shouldn’t be caught off guard by a tornado.
Remember, when a tornado warning comes, you won’t have much time to prepare. If there is a tornado warning today, the time to prepare was yesterday. Be sure to have your emergency kits packed and ready to go before you even think you need them. For ideas as to what should be included in an emergency kit, check out this article at ready.gov. Or, if you’d rather get an emergency kit already put together,
check out our selection here.
Let us know how you prepare for tornadoes in the comments below!
I live in eastern oklahoma and we have had tornadoes in winter!!!!! If you live in oklahoma anything can happen weather related. Anything.
Having just lived through the Jefferson City, Missouri EF3 tornado, I can say that it was a strange calm for just a few minutes immediately following a big thunderstorm, and then immediately followed with hail, which is unusual to have AFTER a thunderstorm here. The tornado hit close to midnight so we wouldn’t have seen anything had we tried to look outside. What forced us into our basement shelter room was hearing huge sustained winds – NOT common at all after a thunderstorm here. I didn’t find out until the next day when power was restored that the tornado’s path was only a few hundred feet from our street. I’ve previously been on the fringes of a tornado when traveling on a state highway and had to pull over due to golf ball sized hail. So it was hearing hail AFTER what sounded like a calm pause after the thunderstorm that completely unnerved me. Hearing the sustained winds definitely made me run for our shelter room.
When Tornado’s come get to the Storm Cellar
I had a tornado 3 Howe’s ago now the doors complete destroyed
I’ve been In four trust me u don’t wanna be in one
Well u anit safe the clif could fall and then u would be dead so if there is one I recommend you going to a friends house not on a clif not on a mountain but on the ground
Is a tornado watch serious?
Crystal Minnick
That definitely sounds like a good time to be prepared with your emergency storage Faith. If you don’t have much or its been a while since you’ve added to it you can reach us at 800.999.1863 or order on Beprepared.com. We also advise keeping up to date with your local weather channels for updates, and good luck!
Hey I am Faith and I live on the Eastwrn edge of Tornado Ally. We have had tornados hot all around us but they have always been at night sowecoulsnwverswe them coming. Right now though it is 3:40 In the afternoon and we just had a thunderstorm and were issued a tornado watch. The sky has become increasingly dark but there is no wind… Do you think there is a tornado?
Crystal Minnick
We appreciate you checking out articles that “fit” you and reaching out for suggestions. These types of natural disasters happens and is unavoidable in such areas. Some of the best advice we could give you is to simply to make sure you have plenty of food storage to sustain you in any type of natural disaster, and make sure to keep it stored in a safe space, such as a lower level storage area or basement.
Hey y’all! So I just moved to Mississippi for school from Louisiana, so obviously tornados atent the first thing I think about. However, I have PTSD from losing my house in Hurricane Gustav in whatcha we suspect had to be a small tornado. As the frequency of tornadoes in Hattiesburg, Mississippi is increasing, you can see how this makes me a little uneasy. For instance, today it should rain all day according to forecasts, but i can’t shake this uneasy feeling! People from or living on the tornado zone of America, I might just be overreacting, but is there any more advice you can give me? Just thinks like: on a day like this where more than 10 hours of rain is expected, should I prepare for a possible tornado? If it helps, there are no systems in the gulf right now. I figured that would be important info since Hattiesburg is just an hour away from the coast. I’m also from Baton Rouge. Thanks!
Kolby Mosher
When a tornado is in your area the sky may be green but before it happens every things calm and then you get a ringing in your ears
Trina smith
I live in Kingston Ontrio is there a chance of a tornado were I live I have storm books a bout tornados and I was just wondering
Not every time. It could be cloudy
“I wanted to be in one for years”, do you have a death wish?
There’s currently one heading your way.
I just got a warning and i hear thunder. I don’t see or hear any of the signs yet. What should I do?
Just bc it was calm doesnt mean theres a tornado comming the sky has to be clear of clouds and it has to be just a nice blue sky then u know its comming
Go to the basement or a freind)/family members house that has one. Take pets and mabye valuables.
Yes it’s called hail.
The Awesome Skylar
Lol I accidentally sent it twice
The Awesome Skylar
I love tornadoes(it was an emoji-the heart emoji)
The Awesome Skylar
I ???? tornadoes. I have wanted to be in one for years. Idk y. If u look up how to be prepared for a tornado u guys will be fine. This will help to. Don’t worry
That’s literally what they said
i didn’t type that top part
good info thanks
you know you don’t have to make a rood comment just say I disagree.
Ntando Mthimunye
thaks for the information
thanks for the information about tornadoes but there has been a thunderstorm just 2 minutes ago and now the storm is calm it lasted 30 minutes bu i am going to follow your advice. thanks alot.????????
I think that is amazing that it help you and your friends also I looked at this last bought and it told me that we are going to have a tornado and we did
I barely survived a tornado that hit my house in Acworth, Ga. I had no warning until it went black in the house. I made it to the basement front wall but the brick came in on top of me and I was knocked out. They also sound like a large jet engine. Watch out for quick changes in temperatures in the Spring and Fall in the South!
I think a tornado is coming right now in Texas so I’m really scared
tornadoes are scary but if you know what to do you will be safe, you may lose everything but you will be alive.
Well I say when a tornado is coming it will sound like a crashing sound I know this because I heard a tornado a week ago
Yes, it is: “ice could be a precursor to a tornado.”
Well i live in pennsalvania and i live in the part where you dont really get tornados and im just absolutely terrified of storms thunderstorms everything and rn its about to storm at my house and i always think a tornado is going to come give me some tips cause im getting anxiety from it
A Person
Im really parinoid about the weather, but is a 5% chance of a tornado high, in weather standerts, not like torcons where 5 means 50%.
When you think a tornado is coming look outside and grab a raidio look at the news or ask a friend
I think this is awesome I am really scared of tornadoes, this really helped me know how to prepare for them
Fright train… good one
Victor Oneto Jr.
Thank you. I like this. I have a fear of tornadoes so this will do good.
I live in tornado country they are really prepared for this the last one i saw was an EF5
That’s not a answer to her question.
Well umm.. I dislike yalls thinking . I think when a tornado I’d coming it sounds like a roaring train so get right .
Well tornados can be some very dangerous frightful things to be true.. A tornado is pretty similar to a funnel cloud. A tornados way of forming is when a lot of cold and warm air chase each other. As I have to say so myself tornados are a scary thing.
you rock you help me and my freinds about tornados
A tornado is about to hit right know it is
3-16-16 of march