All About Wheat

When most people begin to store food they begin with wheat. Why is that? Not everyone knows how to use wheat but may have heard that it is good to store, so that is where they begin. It is true--wheat is great to store. But what kind of wheat? How should it be stored? Once you have wheat, what can you do with it? And, why is it so great to store?
What kind of wheat?
The most common types of wheat grown in the United States are red and white wheats. Varieties include, hard red spring, hard red winter, hard white winter, soft white spring, and soft white winter. Deciding which wheat to store depends on what you will do with it.
Hard wheat is produced in areas that have dry temperature climates. The kernels are hard in texture, small, red, and have a strong gluten. Gluten is what gives wheat cohesive strength and allows it to stretch, expand, and retain gases as fermenting dough expands. This is excellent for making hearty whole wheat loaves of bread or to use in recipes as an extender for red meat. Hard red winter wheat is also the most common wheat available. Hard white winter wheat contains a more delicate flavor than the hard red wheat and can be used to make light and fluffy bread, rolls, and scones. It can also be used in recipes as an extender for white meat. Both of these varieties of hard wheat are high in protein and fiber.
Ann Dickman
I have just read the above article on wheat. Living in 2016 in a subdivision and not having a lot of space to store extra items this was the best educational read I have had in a long time. As our society is changing we all need to read and learn from this article. Very few people know about how to cook from scratch and I am 72 and didn’t know a lotabout the different wheats.
Denise Forand
In 1981 "I was 44 years old and i had anemia with low blood pressure" I started to use wheat, the hard red one,
about four months after using hard red wheat I realized I had a lot more energy and my skin was rosy and healthy.
I had many people say to me HOW DO YOU DO IT , your are full of energy and your skin is like a young girl.
We are now in year 2014 and still use hard red whole wheat, it’s delicious in muffins, cake, pie crust, in soup’s,
etc. and, yes I still get complements for my energy and my 77 year old skin.
Great question. In proper conditions (keeping in mind temperature, moisture, light, air-the enemies of food storage, as well as keeping them in proper packaging like double enameled cans or in superpails with oxygen absorbers and metallized bags) you’re wheat will last up to 25+ years.
You say wheat last a long time in storage, can you give me a better of exactly how long it lasts in storage?
Hi Walt,
One cup of wheat produces 1 ½ cups of flour (usually with a couple of teaspoons extra) very consistently.It doesn’t even change based on how fine/coarse you grind your flour.
What I want to know is one cup unground wheat, makes how much ground wheat flour, cup wise