In the first week of April 2017, a badger was caught on camera burying an entire cow. It took the little guy five days of constant work to completely cover the bovine. This was the first time visual evidence of a badger burying anything larger than itself. Check out the video below to see how the badger did it.
[caption id="attachment_21661" align="alignright" width="300"] Badger sitting on his cache of food.[/caption]
Badgers cache food to hide it from other scavengers and to help it last longer. Indeed, one could say that this little badger was busy stocking up for an emergency. Aren’t we all a little bit like this badger? We have pantries full of canned and boxed food to use today, tomorrow, and later in the week. But what about longer storage? The badger doesn’t have a refrigerator or deep freeze to keep its meat fresh. Instead, it buries it, saving it for when it’s needed.
Nature can teach us a lot about life, and that’s especially true in this instance. The badger doesn’t know when hard times will fall upon it, and yet it still stores up food, just in case. Are you doing that, too? When life is peachy, that’s the time to bury your bovine (so to speak), not when the bovine is hard to Replace (also so to speak).
Storing up food may seem like a daunting task. After all, it can be difficult to stay away from the store multiple times a week to buy groceries for tomorrow’s dinner. But, just like the badger burying its bovine (I love saying that), it is possible.
Start off small. The badger didn’t get a backhoe for the job; instead it took to digging with its paws, inch by inch, until the cow was completely buried. You can store food the same way. Let me rephrase that…You can use the same principles to have an easier time storing your own food long-term.
Start off small. You don’t need a hundred cans of freeze-dried entrées right off the bat. Use that tax return and get one or two cans. It’s a good start. Also, think about water. Water is necessary to live (as I’m sure you’re well aware), which makes it a good idea to have a way to access clean, potable water should the need arise. Invest in small water containers, or a water barrel if room allows it. Water is also necessary for cooking and reconstituting dehydrated and freeze-dried meals, so you’ll need more than just the required amount for drinking.
It took the badger five days to bury that beast, which may seem like an enormous time commitment for something it may not even need. And it is. It takes time to be prepared, but as the badger demonstrated, being prepared for the future is worth a little effort.
If you’re worried about your stored food going bad (which shouldn’t be an issue if you go with freeze-dried foods, since they have a 25-year shelf life), rotate it in with your everyday meals. That way, you’re using what you store. But don’t forget to replace it! Otherwise it won’t do you much good in an emergency.
I guess there’s a reason honey badger don’t care—because he prepared.
Written by Steven M.