Here are five resources to help you prepare:
1. What to do before a hurricane checklist (downloadable print out) 2. What to do during a hurricane checklist (downloadable print out) 3. What to do after a hurricane checklist (downloadable print out) 4. Hurricane Preparedness Insight Article 5. Preparedness Pantry Blog Hurricane Preparedness Five-Part Mini Series- Advanced Planning and Preparation for a Hurricane (When should you evacuate? What emergency supplies should you have? How will you communicate and stay informed?)
- Prepare Your Home, Pets, and Property for a Hurricane (What types of insurance should you get to protect your home and property? How will you protect your pets?)
- Under a Hurricane Watch (What is a Hurricane Watch? What should I do to prepare for a possible hurricane?)
- Under a Hurricane Warning (What is a Hurricane Warning? What should I do to prepare for the oncoming storm?)
- After the Storm (What should you do after the storm to keep yourself and your family safe?)