Prepare for an earthquake

Traditionally, hurricanes and tornadoes occur seasonally, so we know when to expect them and how to prepare. But earthquakes can come at any time of the year. And, if large enough, they can cause huge amounts of destruction. So in honor of National Severe Weather Preparedness week, let's use today to start thinking and planning about what we can do now to be ready for an earthquake. If you're an earthquake novice, check out the articles below to learn how to prepare for them. And even if you've lived through an earthquake, you might pick up some tips you didn't know.

What to do before, during, and after an earthquake

Check out our Quake, Rattle, and Roll series to Replace out how to prepare and keep yourself safe during each phase of an earthquake. Quake, Rattle, and Roll: Easy steps to take before the big one hits Quake, Rattle, and Roll: What to do during an earthquake Quake, Rattle, and Roll: What to do after an earthquake

Supplies you need for an earthquake

Our Insight article, Preparing for Earthquakes gives you a good checklist of items you can include in your emergency supplies to help you deal with each phase (before, during, and after) of an earthquake. For instance, did you know that the United States Geological Survey (USGS) suggests storing a fire extinguisher in your emergency supplies for an earthquake? Replace out more of the items you'll want to have during an earthquake by reading our article Preparing for Earthquakes. It doesn't have to take long to prepare for an earthquake, but it could be all the difference.

How to Protect Yourself in an Earthquake

Learn how to protect yourself through participating in your state's Shake Out Program. Last year, the staff at Emergency Essentials took the Utah Shake Out challenge. Read about it in our article, Baby Steps: The Great Utah Shake Out and then go to the national Shake Out website to Replace out when a regional earthquake drill will be held in your state. Also, check out the Disaster Preparedness Guide:Get Ready to Shake Out that we put together in partnership with BeReady Utah and the Deseret News (one of Utah's biggest newspapers). Come back tomorrow for more resources and tips to help you prepare for severe weather.
Emergency preparednessEmergency suppliesNatural disasterPreparedness

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