Here is the second installment of our new weekly feature entitled the "Emergency Preparedness Guide." Remember that we will post a new article each Wednesday from this guide.

Prioritizing Your Preparedness

As with any journey, having priorities and a detailed itinerary will help you navigate the bumps on the road and ensure you reach each landmark successfully!

Here we are, embarking on our amazing journey to Preparedness! As with any trip, it is wise to have your path marked and the landmarks highlighted to help you along the way. If you prioritize your preparedness, you will be able to cover the most important items first, and then move on to a more rounded supply! Just like following your trusty glove compartment map, we are going to be following a priority list of preparedness to keep us on the road to our destination! Are you ready to map out our journey? Let’s begin!


1 comment



Excellent article. Water storage and safety is WAY under estimated by almost everyone!

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